The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or other identifier, genre, and title are required, but you should complete as many fields as possible, as richer data could help readers discover your books. In this step, you need to provide general bibliographic details for the book. Enter bibliographic information for the book.If you choose to use WORLD or ECZ, it will automatically exclude countries listed in other active sales territories. If you're ready to activate this sales territory, check the box next to 'Enable this region configuration.'Ī same country or region should be listed in only one sales territory.Enter the list of countries or regions that this configuration should apply to.If the payment profile has been recently created and doesn't display in the drop-down list, try to reload the page. Under 'Sales Territories,' click Add a territory or Edit.On your computer, sign in to the Payment Center.For different configurations, create separate sales territories. A sales territory can include several countries if they share the same configuration. Sales territories indicate the countries where your books can be sold, as well as which payment profile should be used to collect revenue from sales in those countries.